Evolution of Technology

Evolution of Superman in Movies & Tv
(1950 - Present)

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Watching this video was a very good reminder of how technology has evolved so much in the past 68 years. Superman was like a child's play back then ( of course it looked awesome to the viewers at the time ) but it has evolved so much that nowadays you could swear the whole thing is real and not special effects. And of course not just Superman, other movies have gone through same remarkable evolution over the years too.

Technology is evolving so exponentially that in a few years, looking back at technology as we know it today would be like watching a Superman Tv series from the 1950s.

Adventures of Superman (1950)

Who would have thought, maybe 10 years ago, that it would someday be possible to send value to anyone across the globe in a matter of seconds without the need for a third party or centralized institution?
Who would have thought you could have cars driving themselves or computers "thinking" and making decisions on their own?
Who would have thought one could write an article from anywhere in the world and post it on a platform that makes it possible for anyone from anywhere in the world to access it?

That's the amazing world we live in today yet what the future holds for technology is a million times more intoxicating; so much that most of the innovations we'll see are not even fathomable... yet.

With how exponentially technology is evolving, it takes a learning speed that is twice as fast to be able to keep up. If you're enthusiastic about tech then start learning as much as you can as fast as possible or you'll miss the boat and feel too old to use tech you'll see in the next 10 years.

Thanks for reading!


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