A local adblocker server, Pi-hole. Sites do not bother you about popup blockers


Ive been using many adblocking web extensions for years. But now sites bother you about adblockers.

A great resource to block ads but still retain usage of sites. I have been using Pihole for about two years now, updating along the way keeping it running. For awhile I was able to block Youtube ads, but seems that does not work anymore. I would get a black 5 second screen and then the video would start.


By using pihole, a dns server that runs on a raspberry pi. Sites do not know you are blocking their ads, as their never get to your browser. So no need for any extensions. You may need to whitelist some websites, but you can do this by logging in to their local web console.

I have found web sites load much quicker and my stats say Im blocking up to 20% of web traffic as its considered Ads. When browsing this really makes a difference.


Set up is simple, pihole provides a guide: https://pi-hole.net/

Set client computers DNS IP to host IP of configured pi-hole.

Once set up running an update command is all that is needed to block the most recent ads that slip through.

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