Electronic Frontier Foundation | The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

If You Use The Internet, You Should Care About The EFF

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the ACLU of the Internet. Since the 90,s the EFF has championed new technologies, resisted government control, and organized political and legal action to preserve personal freedoms and online civil liberties. Not only does the EFF fight for your rights online, they work with industry leaders to freely provide you with tools and information to secure your online privacy.

EFF Defcon Talk

This is from a DEF CON 24 panel, Ask the EFF. This is a couple years old, but is still very relevant.

What The EFF Does For You Today

There are resources available on the EFF site that can help you understand how your data is tracked and your privacy can be compromised. Take a look at their Surveillance Self Defense guide, which has several modules to help you learn how to protect yourself from the passive and active surveillance every internet user is subject to.

The EFF also hosts a tools section on their website, with privacy tools that I feel are 100% necessary for using the modern web. HTTPS Everywhere is universally recognized as a required plugin and is included by default with Brave and is a collaboration with the Tor project.

EFF has also help launch Let's Encrypt a open free SSL Certificate Authority. I don't want to dive deep on how important this is, but essentially you can get develop secure web apps now with free secure certificates.

Please Support The EFF

Obviously you can donate to the EFF, but I would suggest following on Twitter and other social media. USE THE TOOLS. Educate yourself and make yourself safer on the web.

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