Drones: The good and the bad

Once upon a time, there were old fashioned cameras for surveillance, manual guns for shooting and some other functions that were man made and had to be handled by men.
Due to technological advancements...yay! we now have basically all these fitted into flying devices known as drones.

There was a time when war between two countries was simply point some guns at each other and shoot till thy kingdom come until someone surrenders, but in recent time, war is being fought at altitudes as high as 10,000 feet with little or no boots on the ground.

Now this sounds amazing right? But this is where it becomes tricky, what if it was the enemy piloting the drones from a remote location? Imagine having a machine gun wielding craft hovering above your head at a high altitude, pointing it's gun nuzzle at you and you have no idea.

Before I get everyone all freaked out about drones simply because of it's military application, let us talk about other creative uses such as in photography, where a photographer wants to take a shot at a particular not easily attainable by ordinary means, a drone could be employed to assist in taking the shot.

Although I will still touch on some uses of drones, do you know drones have so many diverse uses that it is safe to say that the uses have not been fully discovered...I have the "knowledge ends in the grave" assumption to back me up.

Applications of drones

Patrol and surveillance drones

Ever seen this popular series "flash back" or I guess that is what it is called, there is a scene where a drone known as a predator drone flies ahead to conduct a search.
Now my favorite drone in this category is known as the predator, the drone is very sleek and has weapon firing capability.

The thing about this is you cannot escape this basically...ish. I once read somewhere that this drone uses infrared and a radar like technology for detection and some people found a way to cheat it.

It is believed that getting mud all over you gets the infrared sensor confused because it will conceal your body heat and also timing the drone and knowing when to duck, prevents it's cameras from seeing you.
Talk about using mud to deceive regular patrol cops.

Weather drones

Imagine being able to detect tsunamis with drones, sounds futuristic if we talk about it, we'll probably hear about those soon, but for now, there are drones available that can actually do other things like assist in measuring humidity and all.

Now I wish this drone could tell the time, but sadly, all it does is to assist in weather studies, that is a plus for science, we don't have to wait for weather men, we can use a DIY approach to things.

During my reading sometime back, I saw a video of a drone in a lightning storm, I realized that Sir Isaac Newton would definitely be rolling in his grave because he had to do the key/kite experiment which is very risky...imagine he had a drone.

Delivery drones

I know some might get the notion that I am referring to delivering babies, but I am actually referring to package delivery.For those living in Nigeria, konga and Jumia are two large online shopping and delivery centers, imagine instead of getting those annoying calls from the delivery guy, a drone delivers it for you, straight to your door step.

Now if you watch this video closely, you'll discover that the drone was taken from different angles mid air, unless the camera man was superman or sophisticated cameras were employed, getting such great shots are almost impossibly attained unless with the help of a drone.

The question on my mind is what happens to regular delivery guys? Of course the drones do not get stuck in traffic, but there's another problem, the amount of weight a drone can support is minimal as compared to delivery vehicles.

I once knew of a friend who was about getting his groove one when he was called to come and carry his package, a drone would have solved that.

Photography drones

If the matrix was shot with a drone, the effects could have been crazier, imagine a drone took your selfie, it would be perfect.
The best shots which are almost impossible to the average photographer, unless with sophisticated tools, can be done easily using a drone.

I believe a day is coming when drones will be added to the VAR technology to be able to make football and other sports more fun and fair.

I have seen this particular drone up close as we had one of these in the university I attended and it was also used to cover our lecture at our convocation week and it was amazing. The photographers were green with envy.

Personal and transport use

Drones could be use for personal use from purposes such as pestering someone in the house to simply flying something to even taking family pictures without someone being left out.

Those wanting to feel cool could own a drone and show off to their friends, however instead of piloting a drone, why not get into a drone without a pilot.

This drone is a passenger drone, meaning it can carry human beings from one destination to another at the click of a button with absolute comfort.
Imagine not worrying about traffic and travelling in style, this is the drone for you.

Military and defense application

So the predator also falls into this category. There was a movie I once saw where a terrorist base was blown up in the middle of conducting arms deals. That was funny of course and I stopped to wonder, those guys never literally saw death coming.

Drones are stealthy tech pieces that their unreal maneuvers make it difficult to even shoot one down. There was a point where I felt world war III (if by chance it happens), will definitely have a lot of drone activities involved, but then I remembered someone quoting Einstein as saying "I don't know what weapons world war III would be fought with, but world war IV would be fought with sticks and stones."

Stay tuned for more and leave your thoughts and comments


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Thanks to @camzy and @elyaque for the animated art and badge

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