concertVR Prototype DEMO

For those of us that are into music and live concerts this is a must see! I recently stumbled upon this ICO concertVR and was surprised to find a very well developed project. The stated goal is to Enjoy the world’s best musicians on stage using VR technology. Wherever you want – whenever you want. So I did some digging and discovered this is a well-rounded project. The whitepaper states
• Audiences attending concerts and festivals are reaching record highs and are expected to generate in 2017 sales above 1.1 bn USD in Germany alone.
• Globally, concert revenues should reach 8.8 bn USD in 2017. This growth path is expected to continue in the coming years. Estimates show that until 2022 concert revenues should grow by above 12% annually, underpinning the big appetite for live concerts.
• As venue capacity is limited, concerts of particularly popular artists are sold out in hours if not in minutes.
• Consequently, demand for attending live concerts cannot at all be satisfied, leaving thousands of potential viewers without any tickets. No wonder, the controversial and often non-legal resale market is still booming despite the increasing popularity of personalized ticketing trying to dry out this black market.
• Not seldom are tickets** sold tenfold as high as the original price**.
• Regular tickets have increased tremendously in price over the last years. The average ticket price today is three times more expensive than 20 years ago, making the attendance unaffordable for a large audience group.
• Additionally, access to live concerts is limited by several further factors. Concerts are dominantly performed in selective large cities and economically sound countries leaving fans in rural areas or nonpopular countries behind.
• The music industry is benefiting from this positive trend. The entertainment industry has changed hugely over the last decade.
• Nowadays music is dominantly consumed using streaming sources like youtube or Spotify among others, which are not seldom free of charge or can be bought at low costs. revenues. • Consequently, record sales have decreased substantially. Therefore, live concerts are now playing an increasingly important role as a new income generator for artists and the industry will be open to any new business model, which will be supportive to reach new audiences and therefore will guarantee additional revenues.


So this definitely solves a real-world problem which is the first factor in determining an ICO's potential. The second factor is the team which appears to be well rounded and looks as if they have the backgrounds and experience to bring a successful product to the table. Their business model is sound and they are already in the working prototype stage of development.


In conclusion, I just want to say in my opinion this is definitely a start-up worth paying attention to. This is not advise to invest in any ICO, I am only giving my opinion. I'm really excited by this project and will be following it closely. I recommend reviewing the whitepaper . Let me know what you think, I love to hear other people's perspective.

*Photos and video courtesy of concertVR

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