This is the Hour! The Digital Revolution is Shifting Planetary Society In a Way Never Seen Before

Remember when YouTube was not a thing? Maybe Napster rings a bell and Megaupload? What about AOL instant messenger?

Those of us old enough to remember a different era of the internet, will appreciate the new era that is unfolding before us right now. An era that will no doubt continue to shape and morph into other eras to comment and look back on. There are changes happening that are both visible and invisible. Those seeking truth and seeking the cutting edge will stay ahead of the curve.


If you're reading this then you're likely witnessing and experiencing the internet already birthing a new template. One that's taking back control from what it once had. Taking back our given rights, freedoms of expression and creativity before the mainstream corporate entities got its tentacles all over. We used to have a place we could call our own and now we are fighting--or rather manifesting--from a new way of thinking to have this once again.

While we've seen a boom in original content and independence in all areas--from original entertainment, gaming, commentary, philosophy, economics (the list goes on...)-- it's been slowly strangled. This is more evident and obvious than ever and, as push comes to shove, the resistance builds and the tensions compress. Some would say it's been a nice ride but it should be said it's not over!

No. As long as there is hope, the dream is still alive. There is a fight back and with that is the wider adoption of cryptocurrencies. While the majority have not embraced this (and for their various reasons), there are those that have embraced this with open arms and have manifested some amazing opportunities one would not have dreamed of.

If you've been following the news--specifically the “news behind the news”--you have seen some of the great new startups outside of the old dinosaur Silicon Valley bubble. Great minds from all over the world are now collaborating on ideas bigger than themselves. Concepts, services, technologies and tools that serve humanity in a greater and truer sense. With the facility of block chains and access of decentralized systems, it's one step toward a new way of thinking outside this maze, outside this invisible prison. It's a game changer.

Now is the time to explore and utilize these tools. Connect with like minds and “solutionaries” and see how these things can help shape a new life for yourself and possibly those around you. Earth Nation is one organization making traction in this area, embracing its own token with real monetary value and facilitating real conscious-based communities with real land and properties. A collaborative effort of entrepreneurs, activist organizations, truth seekers, artists and technical minds alike.

The time is now and it's time to ride this wave to succession. I can go into greater aspects of how crypto currencies and more so, the technologies driving them, are changing the internet as we know it at another time. What I want to focus on is communicating this developing trend to you and its importance.

You have all heard of Bitcoin's crazy deflating economy and that will not stop for a long long time from now. This is just one of many currencies and the diversity is real. Each one brings a different purpose to the table. The face of media, literature, arts, gaming, commerce, philosophy, science, technology, news and governance are all changing thanks to the control grid lockdown. Yes, it created this pressure and here we are birthing anew. The beauty of all this is we no longer need to operate from fear, from a low viewpoint of success through competition but instead through cooperation and creation.

If you haven't already seen it, you will soon and Earth Nation is doing just that. A global team effort of brilliant solutionaries, supporting one another. If you're interested in bringing your creations and energy, assisting a greater vision for the internet and beyond (into the physical), you may want to explore what Earth Nation is bringing to the table.

Image credit: Stocksnap |

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