#7 Daily dose of tech - find out how to become master of Google search (PART 2)

 In the second part we will look at the search operators for Google Search.

Excluding a word

Searches for first search term but excludes all results related to -term.


Example = moneyball -movie

Searching for words in URL

Finds sites which include search words in URL


Example = allinurl: steemit technology

Searching for words in title

Finds sites which include search words in title.


Example = allintitle: steemit tutorial

Search for number range

Finds sites that contain numbers in given range.


Example = ford mustang $5000..$10000

Search with wildcard

Wildcard helps when searching for unknown phrase or word.


Example = good artists * great artists *

Search with OR

OR helps finding results that include only one of search terms. Without OR it would return results that include both.


Example = steve jobs OR wozniak

Search for file type

Shows only results that end in search suffix.


Example = steem filetype:pdf

Search based on location

Shows only results that include search location or come from it.

location:<location name>

Example = steem location:australia

Search for words in text

Shows results that contain search words in their text.


Example = allintext: best cryptocurrency

Search within a site

Shows result that include search term and come from specific site only.

site:<site url>

Example = memechallenge site:steemit.com

Search exact phrase

Shows result that include search term and come from specific site only.


Example = "to be or not to be"

 Note that some features work only in certain countries. Follow for next parts and comment your thoughts about those features. You can also suggest a topic you want me to cover in the future :) 

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