The future of Digital Syndication- Business Optimized Virtual Intelligence (BOVI-RSX) Post #1


There’s no doubt that the World-Wide-Web has become an indispensable resource over the past few decades. For Millennials like myself, most of us can’t even imagine a world without the boundless, instantaneous, and existential access to information that is offered by the internet. One thing that people within my generation have observed however, is how drastically this technology has evolved over the years. The continued construction of large-scale data storage facilities has provided more complex and substantive information resources, and improved high-speed wireless connectivity, and newly refined cutting-edge compression software has allowed for even faster access to what is today a nearly limitless universe of information that is instantly circulated throughout the world with just one click.

However, the explosive growth and technological advancements brought upon by the World-Wide-Web over the past few decades has more recently caused concerns regarding how to properly manage such a data-rich environment and prevent information overload. This may come as a surprise, but online news and magazine aggregator businesses designed to organize and consolidate the vast streams of information that exist on the internet have been under continuous development for almost 30 years.

Traditionally, these services have had certain points in common. They grew out of technical environments that predicted an exponential growth in online traffic that would subsequently require more efficient forms of integrated information systems and compression software. So today’s web users are faced with a few specific questions that Bovi intends to address. First, how can individuals find the most interesting or relevant news content on the internet?

Also, how can they discover trusted news sources, find relevant articles or other informative posts among the many thousands of choices that are provided using a basic search engine such as google? Bovi-Base is an adaptive personalized news dissemination system that uses a variety of features to deliver “the right news to the right readers” as provided by algorithmic systems that accommodate to the interests of each individual user.

Scientific and Technical Merit:

The first design element that Bovi uses is an RSS Feed Reader which allows the user to create an account and add feeds that they specifically want to follow on an easily updatable account. Basically, any time you log in, you'll see a dashboard with a list of stories from the feeds to which you've subscribed. The thing that differentiates Bovi-Base from standard multi-source RSS aggregators is the adaptive cross-channel display from a single API access point. The text stream classification framework is also optimized by using feature-based classifiers as well as feature-based ranking methods that add to the adaptability of a fully customizable user dashboard that personalizes content through manual selection and autonomous feedback.

This is an extension of similar mobile platforms that can recommend or automatically rank stories, so that the most relevant content is easier to find. Some examples would be Google News, or their new sticker feature that allows you to essentially bookmark topics that are of interest to you. Other earlier entrants would include Pulse, which is an Apple IOS application that is limited to externalized news-feeds that aren’t personalized, or a recent start-up called which uses an extremely advanced platform (Not Patented), but only focuses on aggregated social media feeds. Specifically Twitter. The differentiating factor between other competitors is that with Bovi, the content relevancy adapts and continues to learn user preferences. The mobile application concept provides Speed & Ease of access, from updating new content to scrolling through screens, the efficient and simple user interface design stands out. Not only does Bovi have the potential to provide all of this, it also is developing a feature that will enable users to add syndicated resources and provide feedback through Social-Media sharing. This User-Added design layout will effectively save time and money that would otherwise need to be allocated towards content management and networking.

Armed with a set of interesting news from hundreds of categories and sources that are all consolidated to one mobile platform, Bovi reflects its readers’ actions by either;
News Aggregation, where each user can choose preferred sources and topics, Adaptive News Navigation, achieved by creating priority relevance lists of the most popular news, Contextual News Access, providing updates, based on previously viewed information, or by Content Personalization, on the basis of a variety of adaptable user preferences. In an effort to maximize the analytical capability and organized ease of operation, Bovi integrates a combination of cutting edge computer interface platforms, thus creating architectural-innovations from pre-existing proprietary frameworks. Bovi also provides a modular personalized profile that is fully customizable and adaptive to user-input. Fancy tech specs and fresh ideas may make for a pretty package but they do not serve as a defining factor in value-added rates of return.

The best thing about adaptive news aggregators like Bovi is that there have been so many advancements developed around other services that can complement the design format for this as well. Some Original Equipment Manufacturers may have proprietary rights to a specific alliteration of the RSS feed software or operating system, but the algorithmic configuration of open source functions as a consolidated process does have adoption potential. Bovi is a software platform that takes a mixture of proprietary and original Mobile OS and aggregate framework, and makes a few strategic alterations to allow integrated value-added efficiency.

Market Potential:

Bovi hopes to penetrate the market by drawing from more RSS feeds that provide news suggestions from multiple sources, and in various formats. The user’s results could also be organized by category, telling the user that “this is the political news we recommend to you,” or “this is what sports news we think you might be interested in.” With a perceivable demand for improved info consolidation on the ever-expansive mobile web interface, and without any knowledge regarding specific empirical design characteristic patents that would put diminishing limitations on its use, that leaves Bovi with just enough leeway to engineer a new and improved aggregate project design framework that is designed to provide distinguishable consumer and source benefits, fully within the confines of the international patent regulations. This all can be achieved with the help of strategic alliances within collaborative networks, like Silicon Valley, Collegiate or other academic & research institutions, or any other industrial commons with similar core incentives and applicable competencies.
Finally, value-chain potential is also possible through advertising or sponsorship dollars, search ad placement, recirculation advertising commission, Ecommerce, lead generation, and residual equity for resource sustainability in the long term once network externalities have been reached. This would include payment from content syndicators for delivering them return traffic that's worth more than the content being aggregated. Bovi provides the right content when it comes to mobile news readers because it is all about the right mix of content sources and quality content that you actually want to read. It is personalized using the best aggregators and adaptive algorithms that learn based on your preferences, what you read, rate, and share.

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