A Survey about the Blogosphere

poll-clipart-k9449901.jpg Do you...?

I'm a techie; when I'm not performing administrative work for my company's GRC platform or doing systems analysis or writing up business requirements or troubleshooting errors or training users, I am likely tending to a parking lot of questions that I've had the courage to jot down for later research. Often, the quest for details becomes a rabbit hole leading from one related topic to the next. I find myself most often landing on sites like StackOverflow, but sometimes I'll land on Quora or Wikipedia. One starts to recognize high-profile users after awhile. Has anyone heard of Jon Skeet?

Jon Skeet Google Search

I've never had a discussion with Jon. He doesn't know me from Adam, but I feel like a groupie--sorry for sharing your likeness, Jon; since you're already a celebrity I hope you're not offended. It's amazing how many people Jon has helped over the years, and his authority on any platform is well deserved. So I've been pondering what his worth would be if he had devoted his authorship the past year and a half to Steemit instead.

I suppose it depends on the audience, right? I've read posts on philosophy and life rants and humor and politics and religion and crypto, but I haven't seen the same geek levels as SO for instance. Which leads me to my survey:

  • How many of you maintain a web site?
  • How many of you subscribe to something like WordPress?
  • How many of you work in tech jobs?
  • How many use tech forums and blogs (and have learned from SMEs)?
  • How many would stop using sites like New Republic or CSS-Tricks if Steemit could act like a one-stop-shop?
  • Do you think a strong Steemit tech community would eventually replace non-paying specialty forums, or will specialty forums start offering crypto to out-pace variety sites?

In summary, my main goal is to assess if you feel there is as strong a potential to host tech Q&A on this forum (where askers get knowledge and responders with huge upvotes get paid well)?

I'm not saying I am the next Jon Skeet. However, if I could convert 1/2 his reputation into STEEM I could probably quit my day job. And if the quality of the knowledge was worth it, I'd probably stop using Stack Overflow, too!

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