Can I Turn both Anchor and Vignette Adsense On at the same Time?


If you are reading this post, I am sure you must have heard about the newly introduced Google Adsense Page Level ads for mobile. If you haven't, let us take a little time to review it first.

The Page Level Ads are designed for webmasters to use in optimizing their mobile templates in order to increase revenue from their mobile traffic. These ads are only seen by visitors who view the mobile version of your website or blog.

The Google Adsense Mobile Page Level Ads come in two kinds; The Anchor/Overlay ads and the Vignette Ads. Read more about the page level ads for mobile and how to add them to your website/blog

Google anchor ads.png

As shown on the image above, the Anchor Ads appear on the edges of your mobile devices, mostly on the bottom of your screen.

vignete ads.png

Turn ON Anchor and Vignette page level Ads at the same time as shown above, the Overlay ads show on the full screen of your mobile devices. They do not appear on the arrival to your website, but only show between page views and can easily be dismissed by visitors.

Having thrown a little light on what the page level ads are all about, let me now answer your question.

Can I Turn both Anchor and Vignette Adsense Ads ON at the Same Time?

The answer to your question is; YES.

According to Google Adsense, users should not be worried about exceeding the three ads limit per page policy as the mobile page level ads are not counted as different ads units in a page as they are still part of the ads in the page already. This means that you can also turn on both ads behaviour as shown on the image below without getting banned from the Adsense service program.

Adsense Page Level Ads.png

Thank you for reading this post to the end. You can leave your comment below if you have further questions or want to assist other readers.

Image Credits: google

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