You should care about your online privacy

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
-Universal declaration of human rights, Article 12.

Hello again, now I wanna talk about how take care about our privacy, how using different tools (or making these 10 steps) we can avoid the tracking that some companies or organizations do to us through internet.

  1. DON’T USE SOCIAL NETWORKS, they know everything about you. I know it... so creepy but it's real. (Yes, it’s ironic that I’m writing it through a social network).

  2. Don’t use common messenger apps. WhatsApp, Telegram, Line can be useful, but privacy isn’t its strong point. You should take a look to Semaphor 2.0 (end-to-end encryption with blockchain technology).

  3. Use Tor Browser. Why? Well, is simple, while you're using Tor it’s super difficult to locate your computer thanks to its proxy (but not impossible), the servers that your computer is sending information doesn’t know from where this info come. (this only works for anonymity on websites, if you wanna be like a ninja, use a VPN)

  4. Use a VPN. While using a VPN it not only make believe websites that you’re on a different location, and you have a different IP. Also, the VPN is encrypting ALL the information that your COMPUTER is sending. (this will guaranty that you’re on complete anonymity).

  5. Don’t use common email providers. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo can be secure in front of hackers (Yahoo not too much) because them has behind very big companies and computing genius, but about the supposed Government spy program, them aren’t the best choice, use one that really wants to respect your privacy. Providers like ProtonMail, Tutanota, Mailfence, Lavabit and others offers real privacy encrypting your data. Personally, I prefer Tutanota, because the receptor cannot view the content that you sent from Tutanota without enter the link that brings him to Tutanota website and only there can see the mail content. And if you wanna add a password for more security for intruders so only the addressee can enter the conversation, you can do it.

  6. Search with DuckDuckGo. Because unlike Google/Bing, DuckDuckGo don’t locate you. Don’t shows results in the order that its AI wants, saying those are the best results for you (some bu**5hit ads) because it has been colleting data from every website you visit. DuckDuckGo only shows the results about you’re looking for without preferences. Don’t want to catch you in its ecosystem unlike Google (specially) and Bing.

  7. Use cryptocurrency for purchases. Some cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are the perfect guarantee that your transactions are completely secure, private and anonymous.

  8. Try to switch to Linux. According to Snowden, Microsoft and Apple are two of some companies that are supposedly collaborating with the NSA sending info about her users. Do you really think about Windows and macOS are completely secure? I’m not pretty sure about to say yes.

  9. Use a good antivirus. Reasons are too many, but if you wanna read one reason related with the post, the word is "SPYWARE".

  10. Try as possible to keep all your devices up to date. Often Windows so much as macOS and Linux even, has vulnerabilities that can be an advantage to others to enter on your computer, therefore the OS' creators makes periodic updates to fix these vulnerabilities. So, if you make sure that your OS is up to date, probably you are less likely to suffer a computing attack from any spyware or malware also.

End of the post! Now guys I wanna know if do you care about how much information others have about you or you don't believe in conspiracies?.

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