Is our data really important?

Hello, today I want to talk about the privacy (yep, again), but this time not about how get more privacy, if not what they are doing with this recorded data.

1. Service improvements

How many times when you want to use a new service, you read on the screen messages (agreements) about share data with them in “anonymity” to improve this service? A lot of times, surely.

Well, sharing this info, and with a feedback, the developers has much easier making improves on them software, in function to the consumer wants. So, we’ll get less bugs on the improved app.

2. The advertising business

Isn’t the big secret that the browsers and apps are saving information a sent info about visited webpages (from Google searches to liked pages on Facebook), the famous cookies, to show us ads, or modify values of the most visited products. To can avoid this “scam” model, you have to use an incognito tab, so your browser doesn’t store any cookie.

3. Government surveillance

Since Edward Snowden have decided to show us the NSA' program, called PRISM, and the companies that are involved in (tech giants, and carriers). Also, the WikiLeaks have supported the idea of a massive surveillance from the USA and UK governments to the entire world. There no too much to think, to know that our data, beside go to a very lucrative ad business, may finally ends into these giant base data, where who knows to what it'll be used, of course apart to know ALL about our lives.

I don’t know if you know this, but in 2014 it came out in the news, a notice that talk about the supposed “CIA search engine”, called ICREACH, this can search in the NSA servers, and can show info about anyone. I will let you the links, al the end of the article.
Surely of one day, the governments entities will talk about the surveillance programs, I pretty sure that the first excuse will be the “security”.

Here I would like to do a final reasoning with the points 1 and 2, related to 3
I don’t know if you thought, but unless the user agreement says that all the collected information will be stored as “anonymous” (which I never believed), the data that we’re sending **can be see for a third”. And if we’ve in mind that there are data that are collected directly from the servers of its company, without final consumer consent. I wouldn’t surprise if these “anonymous” data and that tools only created to “improve our productivity” like timeline from Windows 10, and all the histories from every Google service, also the functions only created to show us ads, go into these government servers.

Seems easy to see, but these only are a few tools, that they have to spy us. If you wanna read my old post where I’d talked about few steps to improve our privacy click here.

Thanks for come here. If you have an idea that I forget or a critic please tell me in comments box.

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