What Is Artificial Intelligence | Has It Been Implemented Widely Anywhere Yet ?

Technology is growing exponentially nowadays and with it our lives are becoming easier day by day. There were lots of innovation in past few years which have just changed our life like Smatphones, Tablets, Laptops, LED's, and many others. But the latest innovation is Artificial Intelligence. 

Artificial Intelligence has already come into existence at basic level and have been widely used by many tech companies in their day to day operations. 

Let's Get To Know More About Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence is a software program implemented in a computer to make it think and learn like humans. It's basically teaching a machine to understand a particular thing repeatedly or performing a task which requires human logical thinking like Driving, Piloting or Forecasting. 

Artificial Intelligence dates back to year 1950 where the concept of first A.I. has been discussed and overtime, it get advanced along with latest technology. 

Now, Artificial Intelligence concept is so popular that each and every company wants to invest in it and implement it in their company's day to day operations. Some tech giants have already done so at some mediocre level.

Implementation Of Artificial Intelligence

There are many domains where A.I. has already been implemented at some basic to medium level. But if we talk about Sci-fi movies type A.I., then yeah, it's yet to be developed. 

There are few domains where A.I. has been implemented:


A.I. has already been implemented in your smartphone. Shocked? Don't be. Ever used Siri or Google Assistant ?

That's what the A.I. is at it's basic level. It is helping us with our day to day tasks like finding information or telling us about the City maps or making a call on our behalf in case of any emergencies. 

Although, Tech companies are improving it's efficacy so that in future it would be able to take necessary decisions in case of emergencies like calling paramedics, Police or even a Fire engine.


A.I. has already being used by many under cover or intelligence organisations to keep an eye on mysterious or unethical activities. Intelligence organisations has the responsibility to get the sensitive information and keep it safe for the sake of betterment of country. In order to do so, many Intelligence organisations have been using A.I. for many years and working highly efficiently to maintain the integrity of data.

Self-Driving Cars

Tesla has already completed it's test run for it's first self driving car and it was highly successful. Soon, we can see Self-driving cars all around us. Even Apple.Inc also working on Self-Driving Cars Projects. Uber has also completed it's first test run on Self-driving cars.

Now, Self-driving cars are basically run by Artificial Intelligence which has been connected with companies server and car's GPS. It follows particulars set of rules when it comes to driving on real roads which already been tested in it's trail period. 


Although, Future belongs to the A.I., there's no doubt in that. But it also brings a concern too. A concern of over powering the human intelligence. Even Mr. Elon Musk, the founder of Space X and Tesla Motors, also raised this concern recently and also advised government to take some controlling steps while developing an advanced Artificial Intelligence. 

Let's see what future holds. Hope for the Best.

Thanks for Reading ..!!

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