[Tutorial] Build your own Augmented Reality app in few easy steps! (resteem & get STEEM)

Building your own AR app isn't difficult!

Remember my Steemit AR app I built a few weeks back? In case you haven't seen it, here it is again:

I've spent the past few months exploring Apple's new AR technology - the ARkit. Even though the R&D (Research and Development) takes a long time, once you learn how it works, building AR apps becomes fairly straightforward. Anyone could do it and it's a ton of fun!

Step 1-4 : for those who wish to build the app from ground up

Step 3 & 4 : for those who just want to install it on your iPhone

What you'll need:

Hardware and software:

  1. iOS 11 device - iPhone 6s and above or iPad 2017 or newer
  2. MacSierra device - iMac, Macbook Air or Pro etc
  3. Unity game engine (optional) - lets you place your custom objects in AR
  4. Xcode 9 - used to install apps on your device

Step 1: Unity installation

Link: https://store.unity.com/download?ref=personal

Step 2: Unity scene setup


Step 3: Installing Xcode 9

Link: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/

Step 4: Using Xcode to install the app on your phone

Get the Xcode project here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uouaaowvj5j9t2s/AADBRl-BXo549JDihdRjSdlGa?dl=0

Free developer account has a limitation - each test development app has a lifespan of 7 days. Once it expires, you can just head over the Xcode and press Build again to have it back for another 7 days.

Giving out 0.5 STEEM to the first 15 people (100+ followers) that re-steem this post! FREE STEEM!

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