YouTube Blues - A Life-Hack To Disable YouTube Ads for FREE!

“I, for one, have grown quite weary of being forced to sit through five or more minutes of commercial watch content that someone other than Google created.”
- creatr...

Yes, Virginia, you CAN eliminate YouTube ads from your life...

About a year ago, I published this useful life-hack. I use it all the time.

I'm here to remind you about it, as well as to introduce the idea to new readers.

Are you sick of the myriad ads now appearing in YouTube videos? Not only at the start, these annoying ads interrupt your program again and again without warning.

Check out the popular video above.

(Note: I'm using this video to demonstrate my life-hack, but I encourage you to watch it in full... it's WELL worth your time.)

If you click on and play the video where it's embedded on this page, you won't see any annoying ads...

However, if you right-click on this link and open THE SAME VIDEO in a new window, you will be stuck watching commercials.

Go ahead; try it both ways now, and you'll see what I mean.

Not only does watching videos PLUS commercials on YouTube waste your time, you'll be supporting the evil Google empire by generating ad revenue for them.

So, what's the solution?

Simply click open your Hive editor, drop any YouTube video link into the edit box, and voila!

The video will appear in your article Preview space. There you can watch it, start to finish, uninterrupted by commercial messages.

You're welcome.

Thanks for tuning in, and let me know how this works for you!


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