API Authentication with Node - Part #9 - OAuth Explained

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In the ninth part of API authentication with Node series, we'll learn about OAuth (OAuth2). The OAuth flow can be tricky, especially when trying to understand it for the first time.

The fact that doesn't help it is that there are two different ways of handling OAuth.

First way - you use OAuth in server-side rendered application in which your backend code will pretty much handle everything.

Second way - (the one that we're going for) is the case of single page application (SPA) in which we have separate frontend and backend servers.

In this approach, OAuth is going to be pretty much split into two pieces. One piece will be handled on the frontend, while the other piece will be handled on the backend.

The frontend will need to get access to accessToken, while the backend will actually exchange accessToken for user profile and take care of things from there.

In case you're looking to learn Node, Express, MongoDB, React, client-side validation, server-side validation and more this series should be interesting to you.

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