IT-technologies for agriculture

It is difficult to find a modern field where IT technologies could not yet be applied, and the Ukrainian agro-industrial enterprise Astarta together with Borsch Ventures created Agro Core, which will develop innovative systems for managing agribusiness.

Ukraine is famous for its excellent employees in the field of IT technology around the world, it is difficult to find a successful company in which there will not be a single Ukrainian programmer. In addition, the Ukrainian economy is very tightly held by the agricultural sector, which gives an occasion to actively develop it and introduce new technologies. That's why Borsch Ventures was one of the co-founders of Agro Core.

IT-entrepreneur and chairman of the board of Borsch Ventures Eugene Utkin said that in the financial and media industries, the penetration of modern technologies is approaching 100%, and in agribusiness - quite low. A joint venture with Astarta will create highly effective innovative AgTech solutions for both Ukrainian and global markets.

The main task for the new company is to combine start-ups and ideas from two industries and find new developments or ways that will be useful in this area.

For plant growing Agro Core are going to use and develop sensor technologies - they will allow in real time to collect, process data and on their basis make decisions. Such a method will improve production efficiency and reduce costs. The use of high technologies will lead to a reduction in the use of fertilizers and fuel consumption. This, in turn, will improve the ecological situation and the quality of the harvest, stressed the head of Agro Core.

For example, according to experts, the introduction of automation in the process of using mineral fertilizers and herbicides will save up to 50% on fertilizers. During pest control, savings can be as high as 90% because of the more thoughtful use of fungicides and herbicides. As a result, for each hectare it is necessary about 260 euros of economy at the expense of rational use of fertilizers.

Nikolay Gorbachov, director of New World Grain Ukraine, believes that it is best to use IT technologies for growing berries, fruits and vegetables. Here, the income per hectare is much higher than in the production of cereals. High-tech solutions and high-speed processing of information will effectively control the production of the final product, he is convinced.

This sphere is perspective - of course. Will it be useful - no doubt. Will investment in the economy - uniquely. The support of foreign companies already gives an excellent reason for hope that this sphere will actively develop and implement its development for the benefit of the economy, and will also allow small farmers to facilitate their work.

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