#LetsTalkAboutIt - iPhone or Android? - Give Me Your Pros & Cons!

Yes, I know...

This is an age old debate. But let me give you a rundown on why I'm asking for your opinion and THEN you can choose to throw tomatoes at me or not! Deal? Ok good!

Here's My Reasoning...

So, in 2008, I got my very first iPhone.. the iPhone 3g. I thought it was cool, you know? It was the newest, hottest phone out and I felt trendy with it. I kept it for about a year and then traded it in for an android and that was that! For the next six years, I was hooked and totally Team Android!

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Image Royalty Free From https://stocksnap.io/photo/KZ5LJ0LTNN

A little backstory: I'm a nerd in a cool kid's shell. I'm lucky to live the best of both worlds! I'm a tech geek and proud of it. Android's ability to be manipulated in my favor and for what I want it to work with or work like, I loved that, and I enjoyed the ability I had to make any android phone I had, my own!

But I got bored. With each upgrade, I felt less and less invested. I didn't text as much, I was bored with the so called updates.. My last android was the Samsung Galaxy s6. And yet again, I was over it. So when I caught wind of the iPhone 6s and it's updates, I was intrigued. I'd been bored with the latest in the Samsung family after having almost all of the past models and I was ready to get my spark back with something new.

So I did it, I went for the iPhone 6s and I was HOOKED! I'm now Team iPhone and it works out perfectly for me because, being the nerd that I am, I only liked Apple products for everything else.. *** Here's a secret - my MacBook Pro was my first child. Haha! And my iPad Air 2 is my 4th child. So it was nice to have all things be congruent.

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Image Royalty Free From https://picjumbo.com/iphone-6-in-girls-hands/

Now that I've been recruited to the other team, I had my dad check out the iPhone 7 Plus (my current phone) after being a long time android head like myself. He has it now and says he likes it! I wasn't quite sure he would to be honest.. but he says he does so that works for me!

Now that you know what brings me here, what's your take on the great debate?! I really want to know what others think about when choosing their next smart phone.

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Image Royalty Free From https://www.flickr.com/photos/86979666@N00/5032312585

Are You Team iPhone or Team Android? Comment Your Answer Below!

PS: I'm loving the hashtag LetsTalkAboutIt so let's make that a thing... can we make that a thing? :)

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