Cray XC40 - a Superbeast from India


IIsc's Supercomputer Education & Research in last month launch their supercomputers namely Cray XC40 petaflop computer, christened as SahasraT. The SahasraT overtakes Aaditya at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, which was India's fastest supercomputer ranked 71 globally by Top500. SahasraT clocks a total peak performance of 1.46 petaflops, where one petaflop is 10 to the power of 15 mathematical computations per second.But with 33.86 petaflops, the world's fastest supercomputer is the rayianhe-2 at National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou, China.

This powerful beast will help scientist in various fields and is strengthening the country's position in the global high-power computing race that is currently led by China. This Sysytem will help scientist in computational problems where super fast calculations are required especially in complex weather climate modelling, molecular and materials research and aerospace engineering.

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