Bots takeover

In our everyday life smart minded people {genius} look for a ways to improve our lives which has gone a long way till date. The First major improvement was about communication. In communication distance was a great barrier you would have to walk for a long distance to pass your message,but now its much better with the help of computers not only that now we have smart phones wchich performs almost what a computer does,it has Gmail for mails without using the mailbox it calls from any distance so far d network is strong.indeed technology has made life easier.
Now lets talk about topic of today which are the bots.
Robot was founded by George devol in 1954


Since then it has been upgraded and improved they are advantages and disadvantages of robots but the advantages its overwhelming.The main thing about its the works,Robot are extremely good at works they work without getting tired unlike humans which get tired and develop fatigue but robots dont.
Robots parts can be replaced when spoit or worn out wchich is a great feature which they posses.
They have no emotions so they dont feel anything.
They are trustworthy,robots keep company secrets as been programmed they have no program file to reveal it to someone or something
Another great feature is the aging aspect robots dont get old but rather they get outdated and upgraded but hamans get old and weak and with time dies.
No doubt robots have made life easier indeed,but still have their bad side.
We humans sometimes create problems for our self which is crucial and affect us greatly without even knowing.
A bad invention of man are the so called ''sex dolls'' created by Prof Noel Sharker,
yes we can agree about the fact of calming sex urge
but our little children must be protected.
Sex dolls can spoil them by introducing them into sexual activities at a young and tender age which damages their sexual and Godly life.
Robots are here to stay but let them help man instead of destroying us they shouldnt be used wrongly but used wisely to better our lives..
Thats all for now and tanks for reading..
Happy new month and stay blessed..

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