Unlimited wealth gives rise to unlimited abuse of power.

Most of what has gone wrong with the world can be traced back to the misuse and abuse of POWER - and especially so, when that power is combined with unlimited WEALTH.

From at least the time of the 2008 Wall Street bailouts and continuing through the leviathan wealth transfers of 2020, nothing has stood in the way of these dominant financial powers pursuing whatever lucrative goals they like - which all too often advance what are typically corrupt, evil and ANTI-human agendas.

The evidence of such reprehensible plans & policies are everywhere evident. In 2020, this coincided with the traditional locus of power that had long resided with our elected national leadership, for the first time in history, shifting (without opposition) onto the global stage.

Now from YOUR perspective, things might look different. You might think that things are not all that bad and that the national AND global forces that are driving the Covid-1984 agenda (i.e., the WEF, UN, WHO, IMF, BIS, Wall Street + Fauci, Gates & Schwab, etc.) actually “CARE” about you and are doing their level “BEST” to return you to health and the world to normalcy. If that's what you think, then there you go; I expect very little of what I might say will make sense to you. So be it. I free you of any obligation to stick around.

For those who choose to stay, I assume you have already cast off the yoke of the deadly ad nauseam media and that you are seeing how we in the U.S. (as well as the great majority of the world) are at this moment fully under attack by militarized corporate/fascist forces, by technocratic economic policies as well as by the bio-pharma & security surveillance state.

Collectively, these unelected entities and institutions along with their politically-(s)elected minions keep dishing up remarkably cookie-cutter-like FEAR scenarios, most of which undermine the natural world as well as our own individual natural human life, health, spirit and sovereignty, for the sake of quite literally destroying, replacing and rebuilding the “old” natural world (of which we are essential parts) with a "new" technologically-driven future, where “human” values are replaced by socially-engineered “transhumanist” values and by A.I.-driven technologies to power a “slave” economy that will serve the bidding of the corporate/ fascist state. (You want out - best make your move NOW!)

On a related note... this video is lately getting a viral blast. The video is of the grand boss lady, Catherine Austin Fitts rapping down what she's been rapping for a long time... a high-level view that focuses on the rise of global technocracy.

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