Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, Sibilance, Sibilance

If this test was successful, you will have seen Dr. Evil in the feed before you opened the post.

If it was unsuccessful, I am cussing a blue streak.

A few days ago, my browser updated, as explained in this post, and I've been having technical difficulties since. I can no longer upload photos directly to Steemit, and so have to do this workaround. However, the workaround makes it look like the post photos are broken links, when looking at the preview in feed (it shows them if you open the post, however).

But it seems if I grab a URL from any other site, like a meme generator, it shows, and it's just Facebook being a bitch (shock! surprise!). So you might see more of Dr. Evil as a placeholder until either I figure out a better workaround or get a proper laptop. 😂

Thank you for your patience. Please stand by. 💙


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