Rolls Royce also jumped into hybrid air taxi market and launch it's new air texi.

The electric hybrid car is rapidly dominating the market, in which air toxicity has created a stir in the market.

Rolls-Royce displayed an air taxi at the Farnborough Air Show in England in 2018. The 4 to 5-seater Air Taxi will fly from 400km / h speed. Rolls Royce Car Company is Peta Company.

What is special in this flying taxi?

Flying taxi does not have to run on a runway like a plane. It can accommodate four to five people. Robs Watson, chairman of Rolls-Royce Electric team, says, "You can fly in flying taxi within three to five years. We will show it within two years. " It is composed of hybrid vehicle gas turbine engine which will work in conjunction with an electric system.

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