SEX ROBOTS? ahhhhhhhh :/

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ROBOTS!!! I love robots. I have no idea why. (I watch enough sci-fi to know they are going to end humans....) I guess it's the dance we are doing with them--this urge we have to create something that can be us, but BETTER. I mean, what constitutes BETTER?
And how many times did we hear about our flaws being our magic on Star Trek? Come ON! We all know our sweaty, smelly, mistake making selves are the best thing ever!!! But still- the draw to robots....

And then I read this article that's below about sex robots. And it freaked me out a little. Costing between $5000 and $15000, they can now do up to 50 positions, and you can customize it to look how you want. Freaky!!! It's also freaky that so much research is going into this, and not something like, I dunno--a peace making robot. A clean water providing robot. A conflict negotiator robot.

The best part of this article, imho, is the robot drawing a self-portrait.

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