Recently upgraded my monitor and use a bunch of apps to improve workflow.

Samsung Odyssey G9

A few days ago I decided to spend a silly ammount of money and purchase a samsung odyssey neo g9 monitor to replace a old triple monitor setup.

I had grown tired of the various glitches and annoyances that I was getting in windows due to it's seemingly intense hatrid of running multiple mismatched monitors of variying resolutions.

Ofcourse I'm extremely reluctent to pay such an ammount of money in one go on something for myself.. so I got it on finance which is nice. It's just one of those spread the cost things offered by samsung where there is no interest to pay.

it's great but..

It's nice having just one monitor and no glitches but a new problem arose. Window placement and gaming/streaming.

I can't play games fullscreen when I'm streaming because I need to monitor chat and my stream. So OBS and my chat need to be visable.

I also didn't want to split the monitor down the middle with 2 inputs side by side cause it just didn't quite feel right, I'd prefur to have my main window/focus be dead center.

the big old workaround

To fix this issue of easy window placement I simple installed windows power toys and made use of fancy zones. I've now got it set up to the point where I can really customize where things go with ease.

For gaming I simply play in windowed mode.. except.. that leaves me with a odd shaped window for obs and an unsightly window title bar..

Borderless gaming to the rescue! I had forgotten I even owned this.

It turns windows games into seamless borderless windows.. like the name implys.

Blackdesert and obs

So now I can have my games nicely in the center of my monitor with obs, chat and anything else I need all visable.

It doesn't stop there though, I have so much customizability thanks to fancy zones It's greatly improved my ability to do coding stuff without having a mess of windows thrown everywhere. Everything gets to be neat and tidy!

There is probably even more improvements to be had. I was going to talk about a program called explorer patcher which modifies the windows 11 taskbar so you can have it to the left side of the screen and what not.

But currently it seems to have a few too many bugs and annoyances to recommend.

oh... and my god... watching movies on this is veeeery nice.

Anyway that's all for now!

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