
Good morning friends its @jerrybhonez07 here.
So guys i came across this movie INSIDE OUT which was amazing, i loved the animations.

While i was seeing the movie i got really pissed a sadness for spoiling everything always, but as i watch more i then understood the insight of the script which was a big aspect of our life's that we over look. I understood .

Sadness is as much part of the life as happiness is.

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Sometimes I feel lost and other times I feel as if I have conquered the world. At times the laughter is not in my control and other times the tears can’t be held in my eyes.

When I am sad I wanna know how to overcome it but when my lips are busy laughing and screaming in happiness, then I don’t find any problem with me.

Why do I see sadness as a disease to be cured while happiness as a gift of life? Rather both are just emotions and part of life.
Sometimes I try to find a solution so that I don’t have to be sad. But with deep thinking I get to know without sadness the recipe of life is incomplete.

To give a taste to the recipe, I need to put all the emotions in the plate of life.

Sadness is a natural part of life as happiness is. As human I will have to taste every flavour of life whether I like it or not. And if anyone tries to escape from any flavour, he will not be rewarded with his favourite one happiness.

If sadness would not be good, then why I go to watch emotional movies. These movies don’t give me any smile or laughter rather they make my eyes wet.

I like it because I enjoy being the part of character’s sadness. It means I like being sad and wanna feel this emotion too. And so do you all.


I listen to songs which make me cry and I love to indulge into the emotions of the song. Does that mean I love crying? Absolutely I do. Because sometimes I need tears more than the flattering lips.

The word happiness will lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. — Carl Jung

The smile is being so overrated and people have become obsessed for getting this ingredient on their plate.

Sorry to say but even successful people are taking it wrongly. They are giving ways to become happy and how to fade away this sadness. Why is there any need of fading the sadness?

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Just live it, cry and show your sorrow, take your time and accept the truth that sadness is as much part of the life as happiness is. If we have entered into the ring then we will have to play the moves we don’t like. There is no escape from it.
I don’t wanna say be happy, I would like to say be the emotion of yours.
God has made me and wants me to be human so why sometimes I try to become the god. Why I try to conquer my feelings?

Do I wanna show off to the world with my smiling face or do I wanna take my perfect click. Why do I need the smiling face?

Because the whole world wants to see my shining teeth and not the salty water falling down my cheeks. I won’t do injustice with myself just to comfort them.

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“The cure for anything is salt water — tears, sweat, or the sea. ” — Isak Dinesen

I know, happiness is a dominant emotion which always attracts us towards it and our primary focus of all doing is to get this. But is it right to let this emotion suppress others?

The energy put in suppressing the emotions bounce back with the equal reaction. The sorrow I try to escape from will come back and hurt me more.

As what Newton said “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.
According to psychology suppressing our emotions consciously and deliberately in times when there is no trauma can lead to damaging effects on our mind and body. This is how the sadness bounces back.
So if anyone confesses about his sorrow. Tell him it’s not a problem its a phase to be lived.

The only difference now I see in happiness and sadness is. Happiness is practiced in front of world and sadness is being practiced in loneliness. It’s same as failure hits you in public while success cherish you in private.

The world can’t exist where everyone is in joy, there is no grief, everyone’s mouth is busy in laughing.

I believe in God, if God has given me tears and sadness there may be a reason behind that. There are so many variations in our feelings then why to get stuck in only one.

However if I wanna fulfill my crave of happiness there are so many articles making my ways through it. There are so many people chasing it but, they aren’t as happy as they show.

They do feel dejected at times and if they pretend as if they are always happy don’t believe them. They are as humans as you and I am.

I am blessed to know this fact at this little age. Otherwise, I would have been naive like others and spend my whole life chasing something while missing others.

My life is full of tragedies, tears, smiles, confusion, love, care, talk, silence, peace, chaos. And so much.
With this changed mindset I have build love for every moment. There are swings in my feelings and I love to ride this roller coaster. I hope you all do too.

I am happy for getting tears too. Hmmm.. I don’t need to be. If you want your life to be tasty then taste every emotion of life.

The only way to be the happiest person is not to suppress the emotion of yours.

Be sad when you feel so, cry when you need to, speak and let the words flow with your emotions, stay silent when you feel the need of, love yourself for the times you feel proud of being you, hate yourself for the times you are ashamed of your capabilities, let the chaos do its work.
Feel boredom, fear, hope, pleasure, love everything because we have been given only one life to experience everything.
Every emotion has its own importance and essence, we should learn to appreciate the creation of God as we are one of them.

Happy life is a myth
Happy life is a myth which everyone is expecting to get. Its a myth to only have smile and no tears so accepting the truth will make the tears easy to bear.

How many times you have heard and seen “best ways to be happy or how to be happy every single day etc etc.” But no matter how much we try to be happy we can’t escape from experiencing the grief.

Every person is preaching not to be sad. I do wanna know the reason. Is it bad to be sad or is it as shameful to human beings as showing our naked body as if we are showing our naked souls through these emotions.

Who wanna live that monotone life where there is only smile and no tears?? Do you? I don’t want to.

Embrace your tears as much as you embrace your smiles. Appreciate pure and real feelings because they make us feel alive.

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Thank you


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