The feeling that nothing is of you
I felt no power, because I did not have it, I felt weak, because I was, I felt like I was nothing and I hated it. Not a good feeling, because it takes your mind from life and you start imagining things that are not there.

To have control is something good, to have the power to call the shots whenever it feels like, is something to be desired. Nothing will stand in your way and you will be able to do all that needs to be done.
We should not feel empty, we should not be deficient of the moves to make when pushed to a corner, everyone deserves a chance to stretch that hand to help themselves. Let not the things that make no huge impact deter you from doing good. Make the good happen and blessings will follow.

Many people are suffering, they are in deep pain and struggling to make ends meet, but those that are on-top will not care even for a bit to assist the low-man. We are aware that everyone has their own problems and their crosses to carry, but a lame man cannot carry themselves, a blind man cannot cross the road by themselves, a sick man cannot take themselves to the hospital. We cannot always help ourselves, because we need one another. We are the problems, empty vessels, therefore we cannot see the problem. Other people can, and we expect them to be there to help and guide us.
The road of life is never to walk alone.
In unity we can gain strength, we can hold one another and lift the low to a better place. The world is a mean place because we have made it to be that way. The people with power, the ones who can change things, have gone silent, the low men, have refused to listen to the words of insight that can truly alter the course of their lives, rather they have chosen to live for tomorrows bread only. The long drive is the answer. Planting trees is the way to wealth. Having dreams within dreams. Creating original items, original ideas for the ultimate good.
We will be empty for the rest of our lives, if we do not stop and revisit our needs. Poverty, pain, struggle, sickness, calamities and death will be our only sight. This is not for us, yes it is for the living, but not for us. We say No and then move forward to change it.
Curiosity and knowledge will get things done. Emptiness is not a place to find ourselves. We have the power, then we shall exercise it to its full extend. Whatever little you have, whatever little you can do, then do. That is the way to the top and the road to self actualization. If you get to a place where you can hold yourself without worries of the basic needs, then look back and give a hand to the one in the dust struggling to breath and make ends meet. Yes we cannot help everybody, but helping one soul, will have removed that soul from the equation. One less soul, how many to go. The journey continues. I do my part and the rest will be done by the person that comes after me. If I miss doing my part then the person coming after me will be forced to do my part, that is pulling the nation down. Disrupting the normal flow.
When we have nothing we cannot do anything, when we have little the little will be taken away from us. Make plenty, have abundant and even when the little is taken away, you will still have enough for you and your family. Try to move, be fluid, stay fluid, be dynamic in all situations, because that is the way to go and staying full. In life you pick and drop, pick and drop as you go. This is to maintain equilibrium of your own self and nature in general. Without this, a living organism will die, because staying at one place is emptying your gallons only or rather getting filled beyond your capacity. Don’t get glued to things, let things go for others will come by.
Surviving is moving.
Before you love, you need to have love, before you forgive, you need to have forgiveness, before I give wealth I need to have that wealth. We cannot give out what we don’t have. The rule is you give to have, and if I need and don have then am cursed and will be poor of it all. Let’s get down to business of acquiring all that we can in order for it to be useful when we need to have something for ourselves. Don’t be empty, don’t lack a place to store the good things that you need, save a place for the bad as well. Why ? because of the idiots and the bad men who might need a piece of the hot iron once in a while. Same rule applies, if I end up giving you something but you don’t want it and want what I cannot give by force then I will be forced to stop you right there.
The world is full of lazy and evil men. The hard core men and women that cannot change and have refused to change. These are the people that are calling for the other bad side to be stored.
Balance the sides, don’t burn out. Equilibrium is key. Maintain the calm state, maintain the full gas, to take you to the horizon, to see the prince and not let you down like the lamp of the bridesmaid who did not keep extra paraffin for their lamps.

Emptiness is a dying state, lonely, tiring, sad, painful, endless struggles to make ends meet. This is no place to be for a long while.
Fill that life with love, grace, joy, friendship, money, land, wealth.

Love you steemians.

Thanks for reading.

See you later peeps

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