To the man this girl waited


Why do I have to think of you every now and then? This is so much unfair on my part because I am just the only one who cares, misses and loves you when you’re there who don't bother to care, miss and love me. I waited you on my special day and to my surprise you had no plans of going home to see me at least, but who am I to demand it from you, right?. This made me to conclude that even if I’ll go the extra mile to just show you that I deeply and truly value you even just in a friendship level(but actually,more than friendship level) you’ll never see all of these. Yes, until now, I am still hopeful that you might feel the same way. But with the setup we are in now, this is so hopeless. I can’t accept the fact that I’m the loser of this one-sided, unrequited love. I can’t be the one being so honest to tell what I really feel for you because I am not used to make the first move. Even if this will be the last resort of having you in my life, they may call it as stupidity, timid, coward but I wouldn’t dare trying. If I can’t shape your heart to fall for me, at least I can shape it to make you fall for a woman. Yes, your heart isn't for the opposite but still Even in the end, I want the best for you that you would still end up with a girl. I want you to be in a happy place where you can have your own family, so much in love with your wife and be dedicated and hardworking dad to your future children. You deserve all of these, you deserve a happy ending if not for me. If we’re going to be just friends, well then, that would definitely wreck me but I’ll be alright soon. Maybe I’ll just wait for the time when I can accept everything. I promise to wear the same smile that I used to have when I am with you even if I really die inside. But I hope this won’t take long. Already been here before, same setup, same ending, and yes, I can get through this. Sorry, my love, I can’t wait you any longer, I need to wake myself before anyone does. I’ll just see you when everything will be perfectly fine and when this heart will no longer be yours.

*One of many ways to unload pain? Write it. HAHAHAHAHA! But the most effective way is to PRAY! :)

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