The sooner you let them go, the better

The sooner you let them go, the better and more healthier your life will be. Don't hold on to people who make life harder for you and make space for people who bring out the best in you.

When you feel tired of it, you'll get rid of your life dearly. Just like what you've said, I just complain about the complaint and just add to your problem. What's my purpose? I just have toxic. I say to not to make u angry, upset rather. I say to you, I will explain to you until I find that there is a brain in your brain, and you think that I'm a problem and I'm just a complaint, it's better to leave me alone. I do not like it, and I would not like it but if it's just us to get better it's just like that. I do not work my dad to get you tired and say that I'm just a painter. I'm sorry, I know you're getting angry right now you're reading to. And lastly, I would like to ask you to do this, sorry for your girlfriend's worth of money, if I could have known it. Your girlfriend loves you stupidly.

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