Make hay while the sun shines

C360_2018-05-23-18-38-17-954.jpg Coming back from the dentist clinic and all that could come out from my eyes is tears running down my eyes, I could remember when I was little and I first complained about my teeth paining me but I was told to endure that it will calm down.

I was given alot of stuffs, herbal, medicine, urine, all to no avail, if it works for some time before you know what is happening, the pain will start again.

Now I have a swollen mouth and I can't eat solid food nor talk very well, my life is ruined (crying) for the past two days I have not eaten and am breastfeeding, what is all this?

I decided to go and meet a dentist today and I got the shock of my life,
All of my 8 teeth is gone, I have holes in each of them and there is no teeth on them, the dentist said I have to remove the root of the gum and put artificial one on the gum. She said if I don't do it ,that in the next 1 or 3 years to come that it will turn to tumor which will require surgery.

The fee for the removal of the root is 15thousand naira by 2.

Finally I got half of the bill and I met the dentist if I can pay half for now then later I will pay the remainin
g half and she accepted. We fixed a date and I left

The next day I was ready for an extraction. When I entered the room I was terrified to the extent that my faith left me and ran. The equipment are scary, oh Lord why did I come to this dentist but I came for my own good. Lost in my thoughts I was tapped since I couldn't see when I was waved at to come lie on the bed. My daughter was taken from me by one of the nurses and I lied on the bed and shut my eyes .

Wasting no time I was given two injection on my teeth and before the injection could reach my mouth I was crying like a baby already and my daughter she was crying too.

The dentist left me for like 20mins for the injection to make the teeth weak I guess before he started removing,
Speedly I shut my eyes but he told me to open them and see what is happening, I shouted,cried,pleaded while the removal was going on. I felt like disappearing out of the clinic and finally the two teeth is out. WonderCamera_1527519275169.jpg

Can't stop crying, I suddenly felt dizzy and I was told to rest immediately. Still have 6more to remove. Hmmm

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