Ukrainian counteroffensive turns 1 tank into 4! Thank Putin!

I would like to express my absolute heartfelt gratitude that the Russian military is supporting the Ukrainian resistance efforts with heavy weaponry.

Apparently this tank ended up taking fire and the crew got so scared they hit reverse and drove backwards up until they got stuck in the mud and then they abandoned the tank.

In total of three tanks were captured with the ukrainians only entering the conflict with one tank.

And more information about drone aerial operations is discovering that these operations are being conducted 24/7. Apparently thermal equipped drones have dominated the night airspace above the Russian forces.

Watching them halt a huge column of armor and then through the night continue to identify and crush Russian positions at will is really showing how beleaguered the Russian war machine really is. They can't catch a break they keep taking rounds from every which direction from snipers using drones as well as artillery to Small arms as well as the most amazing capability of all which is the anti-tank guided missiles.

Basically this means that Ukrainian forces can set up ambushes at will with overextended supply lines.

Here it details a few more reasons why the Ukrainian success has happened.

Today's videos are incredible... Russian air defense is non-existent.

And troops are being targeted by thier men.

However the very specific officer is definitely expired and has passed away absolutely confirming the authenticity of this story in some pretty incredible ways.

The massive amount of high-ranking officials that have been targeted and removed from combat effectiveness has just continually showcased the effectiveness of having all of your communications superiority across the board so you can hear exactly what all these troops are saying.

That's pretty damning and a huge blender however because the Russian communications technology has been completely overwhelmed as well as hacked they had to resort to civilian cell phones which ended up further exposing Russian communications during combat actions.

Personally this entire conflict has its roots in fighting on both sides and I am sure atrocities on both sides however one country happens to have invaded another one and is pushing again. To annex two different sections besides I'm sure quite a bit of Southern Ukraine.

Personally only an idiot would try to engage on so many different fronts. Let alone of course stretching out your supply routes to the point where anyone is able to throw a couple of mines use improvised explosive devices which have recently been confirmed.

Ships the entire paradigm into an extreme situation now.

Add to it all of the overwhelming domination of a world superpower that apparently showed up to the battle with an inept untrained army led by egotistical morons as well as, a blunder will go down in history.

Russian losing 10% of it fighting force in one month with a resounding exposure of its true military capabilities.... All of the experts automatically assumed that you're crying in the friendship would be over in 72 hours and Russia would grind the entire country into dirt, has been replaced with the realization now you cannot conquer an armed country.

Specifically weapons ownership all the way up to anti-tank guided missiles should definitely be on the table for the defense and security of your country.

Originally I think that United States government should issue all military rifles and pistols ordinance up to and including stinger missiles as well as javelin Missile systems.

Personally I think that freedom to bear arms would also include tanks and if you would so desire helicopters and jets. And artillery I definitely want some more artillery....

Should be a source of civic pride for all men to be actively engaged in the defense of their community. I know that's exactly what we do in our Native American communities because you cannot rely on the police to show up to protect you.

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