Seized Russian funds!

European Union dives on top of seized Russian funds and says they are going to invest them for ukraine. In reality it should be the other way around these funds should be Ukrainian.

With war damages looking at being twice as much as current amount of seizures from Russia it looks like this is 50% of Bill already that Russia owes over starting this illegal war with its neighbor. However what we are really watching is Europe trying to dive onto the 300 billion dollars worth of Russian assets. Which absolutely would be an amazing windfall for any organization like the extremely powerful European Parliament.

This absolutely not only is going to begger the entire Russian war machine but also this is going to cause huge financial hardships. International Russian criminal organizations now have absolutely no State sponsorship with Russian federation being completely locked out of the international banking system.

In the past month not only have we seen Russia get labeled as a state sponsor of terror but we are also going to continue watching some huge hits coming as Russian forces are not good around on the ground and international pressure setting all this up is now going to absolutely cause a massive amount of issues internationally with further countries being labeled as international State sponsors of terrorism which are going to come with massive amounts of ramifications from now on.

And the legal seizure of Russian funds needs precidents so we absolutely are starting to watch a huge amount of actions being set up just to be able to legally deal with this worldwide situation.

Absolutely these funds should be shifted over to help rebuild Ukraine and as an investment for Ukrainian reconstruction. However immediately I am extremely worried as we are seeing quite a bit of the language coming out saying that European countries want to invest that funds themselves for Ukraine instead of allowing Ukrainian people direct decision making in what those investments are going to be.

Then we've got the massive amount of ramifications going into this situation as 300 billion in Russian funds is absolutely going to piss off the Russian federation to no end as well as the continued knowledge that Russia is absolutely being impacted by the incredible amount of sanctions. These sanctions mean that there is a huge limit on exactly what business can be conducted with Russian companies anymore. State sponsorship of terror now is going to be a label that gas massive doubt on every Russian business deal. Which is also absolutely going to endanger and affect Russian mobsters and gangsters worldwide.

Not only that this 300 billion is actually looking at about the amount European nations have shelled out just to backup and save Ukraine. So that's a huge situation absolutely things will get worked out very quickly. The only real question is what kind of repercussions is Russian going to attempt to push onto the rest of the world.

This absolutely is a huge new breakthrough in the situation and we are just going to continue watching the developments that are going to happen as the fallout of all this is going to start in internal pressure inside of Kremlin with a massive amount of the rich Russian oligarchs getting really upset and quite possibly one of the greatest transfers of wealth in human history.

Reparations for Ukraine!

Absolutely the legal process for this massive amount of funds to get aggregated and then set up to eventually fund reconstruction could possibly be managed in a way that would forever support and enrich Ukraine and their children for a dream of 100 years of peace. Let alone this now sets up Ukrainian people too turn their country into a paradise of knowledge learning and understanding. However definite anti-corruption measures need to be undertaken as well as personal freedoms insured as well as rights and all that. The Ukrainian people just fought for their freedom and it definitely is the time for them to look into the Great law of Peace and figure out how they want to apply it to their entire country upon victory.

Starting off the video we have Russian trophies coming back. And something phenomenal ones with a St George's metal ribbon as well as the Russian helmet and even a extremely rare Russian sniper thermal optic mount.

All of that definitely is captured and battlefield pickup technology.

And of course the channel gets hit with a charge of apparently spreading misinformation. Pretty interesting but let's see what's all up with the news today.

Wow and our favorite Russian propagandist apparently went to the front line and now absolutely sees exactly what's going on and understands why Russian forces are having such a horrible time with it. Talking to Frontline soldiers really clarifies the matter especially if you actually go talk to them.

If Russia really was a world superpower we would see them showing up to the battlefield with proper training proper equipment and armored vehicles that have been service properly. We would see an investment into all of the stockpiles rush it needs to draw a phenomenal amount of gear from. And we would also see a reliability instead of unreliability when talking about Russian military ordinance. The failure rate of Russian military equipment is absolutely crazy.

The shortcomings of the Russian military is phenomenal actually.

For some reason we actually see some kind of real action happening here. Actually the Russian media host and chief crybaby went to the front line and wandered around in the rear lines and rear echelon area and got to meet some of the front line troops because of heckling from worldwide that he was completely out of touch. He is horrified that soldiers are so willfully unequipped and deficient in a massive amount of equipment most times also having to make their own gear like knee pads out of plastic bottles. Shocking that his Ivory Tower has completely collapsed.


And of course then he admits that a young boy with plastic bottles on his knees is more testicularly endowed as well as quite a bit more manly as he is completely humiliated. Getting to see firsthand these incredibly brave men going out to attempt a military action against any competent military force and the fact that nearly 100,000 men have died needlessly absolutely should be incredibly and normally shocking. Especially with it being the younger generation that is dying thereby robbing what chance Russia happens to have for a future after the phenomenal sacrifice of its youth.

However the realization that soldiers were not given anything is phenomenally and completely incredible.

However even more incredibly is that even though this man just called himself a hypocrite apparently a individual on the internet sent him a message and the Russian News host is going to attempt to retaliate and honest fact that the idiot Russian host happens to be willing to go through such lengths because he does not understand what criticism is..

Which is amazing reason why United States would be a shining example of fact that that doesn't happen here in the West.

Again we are seeing Russian State media calling for not only that ethnic cleansing of all individuals living in Ukraine and who believe in sovereignty over being absorbed into Russian federation and being enslaved. Which again is clear calls for genocide once again!

Claire calls of the Russian empire being not only a huge and capable Force but also the fact that it is surrounded by barbarians and threats worldwide when ironically the only threats and hostility has come from the invasion of Ukrainian territories.

Watching Russian State media compare the failed Russian federation to glorious thousand year dominance of Rome into some pretty brutal focuses. However Vladimir Putin absolutely is not another capable and intelligent military strategist.

Probably the only true part of one of these clips happens to be when he says the entire world and specifically Western world happens to be tired of war. However kind of ironic as Russia has ultimately lost this war with such decisiveness however like a Punch-Drunk passed its prime desperation drive we continue watching Vladimir Putin sacrifice the only hope Russia has which is its youth being fed into a meat grinder.

Absolutely no change on the front lines incredibly proving how inefficient and incapable the Russian military is.


Russian forces continue pounding away at trying to reach this City and have gradually encroached forward at a brutal and vicious cost. A cost that has been so brutal and vicious no Western Commander would have been able to keep his sanity intact that being responsible for such massive men being lost.

The train has set it up so that there is really no way for Ukrainian forces to be trapped in the city however the destruction of another city seems to just be a punitive attempt by Russian forces bad even more civilian terrorism without any tangible military goals. Making this actually targeted attack once again against a civilian Target.

A simple look at terrain features in this area shows three separate high ground natural features that absolutely command all views of the city. It is also the strain features that are completely shutting down the world's most feared military. Don't forget this so-called most feared military has been reined in.

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