TeamSystem Cash in the Cloud: the electronic receipt is managed with PC, tablet and smartphone

Four years after the clause that launched it, e-receipt, or digital receipt, becomes a reality. The new law involves the duty to issue digital receipts to VAT holders with revenue exceeding € 400,000 as of 1 July 2019 (with the others to be adjusted as of 1 January 2020), but this development also happens as an opportunity. With its leadership in Cassa in Cloud, TeamSystem has resulted cash management on PC, tablet and smartphone to adapt smartly to new commitments.

TeamSystem Checkout in the Cloud: PC, tablet and smartphone digital receipt The e-receipt needs businesses and experts to update and update their tax receipts. The Inland Revenue will have to obtain the information of the receipts issued digitally and this involves the modernisation of the money receivers or the implementation of alternatives. In the first direction passes Nexi, which offers intelligent POS SmartPOS Cassa and SmartPOS Mini, while in the second moves TeamSystem with Cassa in Cloud, which enables the receipts to be registered straight from the mobile terminals and then sends everything to both the Revenue Agency and the TeamSystem cloud, where the information is made accessible to the retailer.

In fact, TeamSystem's Cassa in Cloud collects data that is stored and not only sends it to the Revenue Agency as required by law, but stores it in the cloud so that it can generate sales reports, analyzing which products sell the most. And which ones remain unsold, and in such a way that warehouse management is unified and clear. Also suggested is a restaurant version that handles the orders as well.

In addition to handling electronic tax receipts, Cash in Cloud also enables the management of electronic invoices, so that suppliers ' procurement and invoice issues can also be managed with a single tool.

The e-receipt revolution can be an chance to renew your way of doing business and simplify procedures or acquire more information from data already accessible, such as sales data, and thus also considerably enhance your company efficiency.

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