Friend or Faux?

While growing up we have people who enter our lives violently, direct and unmistakably loud. Others come in gently, quietly and without any recognition.

Now, you may think I am a loaner, unsocial or even a little shy. That may be true but behind every story a piece of truth lies.

I have had my fair share of "best friends":
Grade 1, she left in the first term,
Made a new one and three years went by her aunt placed her in a new school. It was then when I realised we weren't really the best friends I had thought we were, I was heart broken and felt like I had no friend at ll...
I went through Primary school having friends but no one close... I have to admit this motivated me to do better in my school work... Which I did and was named Dux scholar Grade 7....

I entered High school with one mission - find a good friend.
Yes, grades mattered to me but having a good friend I think mattered more....
It was to be years later that I would learn that true friends return when times are bad and moments feel like forever...

I had made friends with many, fighting , making up, fighting once more.
One of my very good friends that included not speaking to her for almost two years is now coming to my wedding!
She made me realise that people enter your life for a reason, disappear into the background and reappear when times are needed. This may not necessarily mean when I needed her but the situation needed her...

In my personal opinion, having many friends may cause a lot of drama while having a select few and keeping your circle small, helps get through the rollercoaster we call life...

Now that I am grown up and had to select a few people to invite to the wedding I realised my tribe had become a little larger but still contained only a select few that made me think, made me stronger and made me realise that life is not about the material things we have but the friends we share our adventures with.

Never think you are lonely when there is no one there, they might just be hiding in the shadows....
Giving a hand when you can't reach lower...

To the ladies in my life...

I aplaude you!

You have a magnificent soul and mind!

Thank you for being a part of my life!

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