Who Knocked You Down A Peg Or Too Many?

Ever desire to do something, but stopped.
And think you were being silly for wanting it?

Ever see a moment before you and know that you should take it, but you just stood there, letting it slip by?
You sat in that crowded discussion, and thought of an idea but not say a word?

You were so close to that something real with that person, and put your walls back up?

Sometimes we believe we do not deserve things, like are not good enough, bright enough, tough enough, or just enough to deal with the moment that will come next.

We have a latent fear, or a trauma of someone or something, stopping us from being who we wanted to be.
Sometimes life gets hard and it causes us to play in safe, to roll over and take it for the sake of security.

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What good does that do you, or anyone..?
Its never easy to break a cycle, sometimes we don't know that we are going in these circles , these long journeys that takes us neither here nor there, we just realize that we are back here.. to this place in our minds, where sometimes the frustration causes us to stare into the distance , blankly...

Well I would tell you ... STOP.
But that would be up to you...
But know this. You are a lot more than you think, you are not your past, you may be pieces of it, and the people you have come across, but you are what you make and choose to be. Go get em!

Every breath is an acknowledgement to being alive, but sometimes, we don.t take the time to breathe, let alone live.
Everything in moderation, even playing it safe.

Go for that dance class, wear that outfit people think is silly, speak your mind when there's something to say.

Go for it! Do it! Because honestly... Why NOT??

Until Next Time....

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone

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