A Godly Marriage

When someone young and inexperienced in relationships is looking for marriage, it would be difficult to understand what it takes to actually be in relationship with someone forever. But when someone has shared their lives with a person for almost 10 years, the person could say that they can not imagine their lives without the specific person. This is exactly how we should look after our relationship with the Lord.

The desire and love that He proves to us every day through all the wonderful events He has allowed us to experience must be just a taste of what is waiting for us when He reaches us one day. (de Wet, 2018) If we go through difficult times, our feet are in dire need of a resting place and we want to feel safe. In times of sorrow we are comfortable because we know He is there. This is something to look forward to. Although it is going to be hard for us now, we must know that there is something better waiting for us and that things will always improve. According to Botha (2018) He prepares us for the eternity and glory that awaits us. This is one of the oldest stories in the book of life - we are of sinful nature so if we are weak and reach a trying time in our lives, the Lord is actually working with us so that when He comes, we will enjoy it much more!

In the book of Song of Songs it appears that the marriage was created for a man and a woman to be intimate with each other and to share this intimate relationship with each other. (Acts 8: 7): "Great waters can not extinguish love and rivers do not overflow."

By this we also see an example of how we should act in relationship with Christ. We as His church must praise and worship Him with intimate love.

The relationship between each individual and the Lord must be unique and sincere. When referring to marriage, one always sees the bride in the white dress and the groom waiting for the groom, but this really refers to the intimacy that takes place between two beings.

In Mark 10: 8, it also refers to 2 which become 1, and the two became one flesh. They are no more than two but one flesh. "(Mark 10: 8)

We, who are the church will become one through the intimacy with the Lord and not only live more like He does, but also start acting as He does. We will be like Him.

Today, everything is different from what it was 20 years back and women in particular have changed a lot in their roles. Women feel they do not have to do anything for their husbands anymore and they want to pursue their own ideas. When we refer back to the Bible, we look at Deborah's story and the support she has given the general. He refused to go to war without Deborah on his side. This is a good example of how the woman should play her role in marriage. She must honor her husband in such a way that he can not live without her, not physically do everything for him but rather become his right hand and "handle" life with him.

Another example can be taken from Genesis where, despite her sorrow and pain, Tamar still respects her husband and stands on his side. We see in her story that she still (though she did not know God and still feared Him) was saved from grace.

Marrying your husband does not necessarily mean to be subject to him but rather to honour and serve him from love (just as Jesus did). The idea of ​​marriage has been broken and many marriages cease, because of this. The king of the house must sometimes act as a servant and therefore it is important for the persons that are found in that marriage to understand that service and submission must come from both sides, just as Jesus was a servant to the Lord, He did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as ransom for many other people (Matthew 20:26)

We as humans should be able to serve the Lord through our deeds. Our deeds should be sincere, no matter what we do. The Lord rewards us accordingly because it is done out of love.

If you give your husband a cold coffee that has been made too fast and that the kettles have not even stopped boiling the water, thrown together because you have to do another task, the coffee has not made out of love. This will not only cause your husband not to drink anything that you make ever again but also not will he not appreciate the coffee and the same goes with our deeds against Christ. He knows what is happening in our hearts and with which motives they are being done.

The marriage between husband and wife, with all the values, service, love and appreciation is a smaller scale of the relationship between us as the church and Jesus Christ.

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