The Dark Side of War on Drugs

Short Video Animation Shows The Dark Side of War on Drugs

War on Drugs were conducted in many countries around the world and the outcomes are always tragic and many lives are lost. The 6 minute video animation made by the YouTube channel Kurzgesagt in a Nutshell shows the dark side of a war on drugs and why alternatives work rather than using force or violence. It is presented in a concise yet entertaining way to prove it's point.

Short Video Animation Shows The Dark Side of War on Drugs

The video shows how using violence and force of the state will not solve the drug problem of a certain state. Countries that succeeded in their War On Drugs used pacifism and science to curb the addiction of a certain population.

Short Video Animation Shows The Dark Side of War on Drugs

The popularity of the show Narcos and the accounts of the effects of the current Drug War in the Philippines ignited the interest of the public on how drugs affect the society. The video titled 'Why War on Drugs is A Huge Failure have nearly 4 million views and clocking 6:26 minutes long.



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