Why We Need To Compromise Or Tolerance In Our Life?

In everyday life, we can not run away from mistakes and mistakes whether consciously or not. The attitude of tolerance and mutual respect is able to prevent ourselves from committing this offense on an ongoing basis.

According to the Dictionary of the Fourth Edition Board (2010), compromise means to give and receive each other. This attitude was born in every individual to self-control and behavior. We can not be self-centered without thinking about its impact on others, families, communities and countries.

The relationship between multiracial communities such as the Malays, China and India is closely intertwined and forms a united society. Each individual must practice tolerance and love each other.

To maintain the peace and prosperity of the nation, every citizen should always practice the noble values ​​in their daily lives. With the practitioners of pure attitudes in society in Malaysia, the life of every multiracial society will always be peaceful and harmonious.

We need to learn and teach about the values ​​of compromise and mutual respect for the diversity of religion, culture and life practices among children as early as their age. We jointly play a role without prejudice.

By @zayyadmikael

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