Our House Renovation Progress Update #5 The Master Room Wardrobe!

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Wow! I never thought I will have so many posts to share our house renovation progress! I guess the excitement pill in my head is running wild and strong. So the last Friday we finally met our wardrobe contractor at our house, let's call him James (not real name). We met James last year in one of the home expos, there were plenty of wardrobe contractors in the expo and what make us decided to choose James was because of his team sales services.

Williams, what is so great about their sales service?

As usual when we window shopping, looking around for their wardrobe design, the material used in wardrobe, colours, and some inspiration on it. We have been visiting few booths in the home expo and most of them don't really bother about us or just random follow us and explain to us very briefly (Maybe they think we do not afford to buy? maybe they are busy playing mobile games!). We didn't have much expectation on them as we weren't expecting to get contractors from here tho.

When we pass by this booth, no idea why but we were like attracted to him, he welcomes us with a wonderful smile and ask us what kind of wardrobe that we were looking. So, both of just share with him our requirements. He then shows us samples of their project on their iPad and we found out the workmanship looks great as well as the design looks modern with the colour tone of the wardrobe. He spent the time to explain to us and asked us questions to know more details so that he can advice us to make the perfect wardrobe. In my mind, he is the best so far in the home expo, he didn't simply explain to us just because wanted our sales. The man 6th sense can felt it.

We then gave him rough measurement and ask for quotation so that we can compare price later on. He quotes us based on our requrement and it costs about MYR 3600 (USD 900) for 8 x 8 feet wardrobe. In my mind, I was like "hm, within our budget, not bad!". Then, he asks us to choose wardrobe colour, type of sliding door, type of compartment, and so on (no extra charges for those). After we done with the selection we take the quotation and told him we will look around and come back later. He looked at us and said "Sure! No problem." with his signature smile!

We walked around and look for other booths, I think in our mind we already decided wanted to go with that booth. I told @tifaong, "Let's just head back to the same booth and ask for more detail ya?". She nodded. We went back and ask for more detail and so on.

In the end, we paid the deposit and now we finally have the chance to meet the contractor to measure exact measurement.

Fast Forward...

We met on last Friday at 10 am at my house of course. James arrives early while I'm not late, I'm just on time! We show him our room and told him that we wanted a mini walk-in wardrobe on the right side of the room. Originally our deal was a 8 x 8 feet wardrobe, however, when he measures our ceiling height he suggests us to go full height which is about 9+ feet. He suggests us to go with 9 feet and the rest he will cover up and the entire design looks like build in wardrobe. He shows us few samples how it looks like as he afraid we don't understand what he said. Again, I love his service by giving samples to ensure your customer understand what he want to deliver. After looking at it, it looks pretty good and nice!

Since we change our wardrobe to 9 feet and price is different now as higher definitely incurred more cost. We top up the difference and he will re-quote us once again. Besides this, at the very last moment, we told him we wanted another wardrobe on the left side of the room and the measurement is 7 x 9 feet.

As we thought that having extra wardrobe we might use it in future to put more clothes and stuff. That extra wardrobe alone cost us additional MYR 3000 (USD 760), now add up grand total would be MYR 6600 (USD 1669) and that over our budget. But, since having two wardrobes will be more practical for future and build now is better than build later.

Hopefully the wardrobe complete as soon as possible even though James said about 2 weeks to complete. But I doubt they might be able to complete before that as all the compartments are from their catalogue meaning their factory are continuously producing them, maybe just matter of compartment availablity.

6x9 feet wardrobe (original). Photo taken by me!

7x9 feet wardrobe. Photo taken by me!

Will update again once I have more details! Stay tuned for my renovation progress update! :)

Note: All photos are taken from Pixabay.com unless stated otherwise
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