Busy Weekend for Upcoming Months!

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A little update on my house progress. The last post was about felt frustrated when contractors unable to complete defect rectification within promised timeline and things move very slowly. Today, I'm about to share some good news here!

First off-

Defect Rectification Is Completed!

Even though the entire process very length but thankfully it didn't drag too long from the promised timeline. Performed join inspection with them few rounds and I'm happy with that.

So what next Williams?


Yupe, after completed defect rectification, renovation comes into the picture. Tifa and I had become home expo junkie since last December 2017. We went few home expo to research the design we wanted, research about renovation price against our pre-defined budget for renovation.

Man, visiting these home expo were never easy. I always thought that not so hard from third person point of view until I personal experience myself. It actually takes up a lot of our time when researching all stuff. Before visiting home expo we actually went to our new house to take some photos and stay inside the house for an hour or 2 just to get some inspiration or ideas what we want. We even draw out how it looks like so that both of us able to visualize it and imagine how we feel when we have that. We manage to lock 2 deals from the home expo in last December 2017. Both of us were happy that the price was actually below than what we expected.

Meeting Our First Contractor!

Fast forward to last weekend where we first met our kitchen renovation contractors which is one of the deals we managed to lock during the home expo. Let's called this guy James (not real name), so James came over with his measurement tape, a few samples of cabinets colours, and tabletop colours as well. We share with him our design for our wet & dry kitchen. Number of drawers for each kitchen, number of cabinets for each kitchen and what kind of materials we want. He listens carefully and starts to take out his pencil and paper and start drawing according to our idea.

Once he finished he show us is that what we want and he suggests few more pretty good ideas for us too which we didn't think of at the beginning. He told us he will ask designer draft out our design accordingly and let us check one more final round before he gives the drawing to the factory to start work. The design comes back yesterday and it was quick fast tho. The design really looks good and we can feel how it looks when it has done in our home!

Super love the bar counter! Photo taken by Me

Wet Kitchen. Photo taken by Me

From the design, we really love our bar counter as our dining table, it really looks cool and good! I'm so excited to see the actual product!

Update once we have more information about the progress! Oh ya, there are few more renovation contractors we planned to make few more appointment in the coming weekend. Hopefully, everything goes smooth and well!

Note: All photos are taken from Pixabay.com unless stated otherwise
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