Me - 100 Most Influential Creators in Malaysia

How did I do this for nearly a decade?
9 years!

9 years of consistent blogging, attending events, going on media trips, doing reviews.

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Am I tired? Oh yes, I am. Not of writing, but of the current media scene.

And at my most jaded stage in my blogging life, I found Steemit.

I've been lurking around Steemit and getting a hang of things, reading, joining groups and watching DTubes.
I am beginning to get a hang of it and as a decade old blogger, I find Steemit refreshing and of course, a new challenge.

It is gonna take a hell lot of effort, but I'm definitely in Steemit for the long run! :)

Will I still be blogging?
Well, as I’ve said on my FB and Instagram (wackybecky), bloggers’ awards are a dime a dozen.
I take lightly as a form of recognition, but never a validation of what I do.

In my 9 years being a content creator - I’ve never chased awards. Never needed them.

My blog came about because I truly enjoy reading and writing. I went around reading a lot of blogs. Then I started my blog from writing about my all-time obsession - FOOD.

I’ve evolved to include travel, fitness, lifestyle, etc now.
I’ve grown over the years - from Blog, then FB and Twitter, followed by Instagram and YouTube. Now it's Steemit.

It was so different back then.
Now “bloggers” are bad news. “Influencers “ are freeloaders.

It hurts me when I saw comments like “ Bloggers are shit. They don’t know anything. Just pay them or give them freebies and they will write all good stuff”.

I felt the cut deep when I see other sites making videos making fun of influencers.

I cringe when I read comments about bloggers being untrustworthy or being discredit merely because they are bloggers/influencers.

It’s painful. It’s embarrassing. Especially when you get swept up with all the negativity and was no part of it.

I’ve never personally solicited for “free” stuff in 9 years. NEVER!
All engagements were initiated by clients/brands. I guess I would have made a lot more money and taken a lot more trips if I did. I was tempted many times, but it never happened.

I never felt right about doing so.
I’m not sure if I will have to change my principle on this, but I know my plans for 2018 aren’t so much on being an influencer anymore.

Those who know me personally know my principles.

Bills need to be paid, so yes, if a brand approaches me, my rates apply. Otherwise I earn my keep for the stuff I want, like I always have, and always will.

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