When is the last time you say these words 'Please', ' Sorry' and ' Thank you'.

Let's get into the words, the 3 words we have been using less and less in our daily life.
I got to admit it is not forgotten but it is the feel of the 'weight'. Why?
Lazy and proud.

Why i mentioned these. Let me break down and explain it with my point of view(it is only my opinion, please do not take it too serious it may not be everyone is the same)

  1. Lazy
  • When someone is very helpful and tend to others when needed. 'Lazy' people tend to take it for granted. It is like they are suppose to do it for them and slowly it become their chores.
    These kind of people eventually will face the consequence if they keep it going like that. One day this helpful people may not be around or accidentally did a mistake, whom do you think will be the person to answer. Yes the 'lazy' person because they are suppose to do it themself instead they ask other to do it for them. You won't be able to blame other when in the first place it is your duty.
  1. Proud
  • Proud people doesn't like to use these words. To them in their dictionary those are the words for weaklings. I just got this in my mind and gotten this idea after watching all those blockbuster movies we all have seen.
    These people are too scare to lose, losing to them is like death sentence. They never ask, apologize and even say thank you. Just like in a movie i had seen before a baseball player who got so famous after getting all the world record and highest score for the team. He skipped training, fooling around with all his new found wealth. One day he found out that he no longer can play on the field because of an injury to his arm. Doctor mentioned he need to rest for a year or two to have it recover slowly.
    He does not accept the fact that he will need to stop for a year or two just to have his arm recovered. If he stop his play he will not be famous anymore and income will be getting less if he doesn't play on the field.
    Instead he still get into the field tomparticipate but because of his injury he is unable to perform well in the match which resulted the to lose .
    People should be alway using these 3 words in their life so that they can have a better communicstion with each other.

A 3 simple words make people around feel happy and wonderful.
Why do people like couples, girl and boyfriend, friends and parents have an unpleasant family and people relations.
That is because everyone want to win and does not like to lose. Actually what you got to lose if you do more, watch more ,walk further and speak nicely.

We all know the reason why fight, argue, complains but we ourself never want to change just a bit and i mean bit by bit because the laziness and self proud had occupied our senses all these time. It may just take a bit of the 'strecht' and we will be going back to our real self 'helpful and kind'.

All these just because we have distant ourself from the Mr and Mrs Please, Sorry and Thank you.

Lastly i would like to mention again. For those who is reading or read this already steemit blog. Please, please and please do not say it is a waste of time. Sorry, sorry and sorry because we or you does not know how to make profit from this program. You,really have to try a little bit harder then you will ripe the fruits. Thank you, thank you and thank you for those who never give up and understand that we are blogging with benefits. Not just like others who only post for the benefits of the' big shark' .
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