Mistakes that parents makes for their children/ 现今父母都犯的错


Picture courtesy from the google search images.

Today parents is so much different than the time we had twenty to thirty years back.
Previously parents will keep asking their children to learn what you are best at.
Modern parents now will force their child to learn whatever comes into their mind. Like learn piano, learn ballet, learn dancing, learn drawing.....etc all is manage by the parents.


Below is some of the points I picked from what I had seen from the blog or writer online. For references only.


  1. competition between parents

    • parents comparing their children against each others. Picking those who is having better results. These doesn't mean that the best is always winner. And parents who is afraid of losing will tend to force their children to do more. Result of this may lead to a bad childhood experience.
  2. 害怕输在起跑点

  3. Action speak better than words.
    Parents always forget that one of the best teaching is our action not our wisdom.
    We always forget that children follow action more than words from mouth. They don't learn from we told them "what is correct"

  4. 说教与身教

3)'Bribing' by buying them whatever they want.
In order to have the children do a parents bidding like do whatever they want like getting a better score, finishes the food they don't like. Parents alwAys will just say if you so and so and so, I will buy you a ......

  1. 用【買】來滿足孩子或使孩子听话

4) A second chance thru them
Getting too high hope from them and then suddenly it is not all about them but a second chance about us. This will confuse the child and may destroy their
happiness as childhood.

  1. 家长的第二希望

I like this post from


We may not want our child to fail but it is essential for them to experience it. Intervene too much of their activities is it a correct and we may need to ask ourself is it what tbey want or are we over protecting them. As a saying 'short term pain is better than long term pain' it is how we see it not how we want it.

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