Movie Spoiler

Yes Tuesday, as usual nothing special and fcked up when people sharing a dumbass guy' post on Facebook and spoil the story line of avengers. Plan to do not being alone,I share it on whatsapp group and as expected, everyone get mad.
Actually this kind of thing happen when everyone getting hype after long wait for a few years. There's always someone will talk about the possibility or based on actual comic what would happen in the movie. For me I will mad if there's new movie and still in mystery that no one knows what happen not the one based on comic/manga/game. Because you already know but the way they show in the live action must be different.
Sometimes I just let it and treat it as only a hoax and not true. If what I've heard or read and that's the actual thing that people already spoil it. I am okay with it but of course there's no hype during the movie because it something that you already expect and there's no feeling during the scene that supposed to be a mystery.
It's bad I know to spoil the movie story line, but don't take it seriously as sometimes people just assume and that's totally not true. If it's true, like I said feel it by know the way they did in live action.
I don't know what I am talking about right now with the English grammar error 404. I apologize for the mistakes as I just type it without thinking too much and very spontaneous. I did it if I want to write something long enough but unclear with the topic that need to be discuss.
Yeap, it's already long enough and I'll stop here. Till the next entry, see ya!

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