Introducing my other cat


Meet my other cat - Dandan, almost 6 year old male, not overweight but does have a beer belly. Unlike his older brother who likes to hang on door knobs (you can read about it here, Dandan is a shy and timid cat, any loud noise will send him running for cover.


Dandan had some problems with his kidney a while back, the veterinary said he wasn't drinking enough water on a daily basis and had to be on drips everyday. If his condition does not turn for the better while on drips he might not live long, it was a painful experience for both cat and human as I had to poke a needle and inject 250ml fluids at home daily...


Thankfully he recovered about a month later, the drips stopped and so did the pain. I believe everyone who has cats or dogs feels the same, when they are sick you worried, and always give them the best you can and make them happy.


They might only be part of our lives, but to them we are their whole life!

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