
What is afraid?

It's a feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.

To whom you have to afraid?

Actually it is universal, it depends ourself who we should choose to afraid off or we can also choose not to AFRAID.


People are now afraid of ghosts, though they never have been see a ghost and they just hear stories from others.


Today i went to see Horror movies with my husband and in law. I'm not a bravery kind to see the ghost movies, but my husband there so I felt secured. ☺

I'll not share what the movies about, I encourage you to see it in the cinema. I'm not a movies commentary so as long this movies had make me scream 😱 so I'll satisfy.

The movies only takes 1 hours and plus, but not exceed 2 hours.


Am I afraid?

If i went to see alone, I'll close my eyes with hand mostly all the time. Last time I went to see ghost 👻 movies, I scream laudly. Not because I'm scare, I'd shock because how the ghost "pop out" with the suspense Background music been played.

So last night, I'd already prepare with watched the thriller. Of course i do had little shock yesterday but luckily i was able to sleep lst night without bad dreaming.

The benefits watching Horror stories.

Firstly, can helps to exercise our hearts ♥ . Because when we scare or excited, our heart will rapidly pump our blood and in same times the heart muscle will contract and released. It's a good exercise isn't ?

Secondly, we can overcome our fear. During our childhood day, the adult always tell a ghost story so that we will scared and didn't wan't go to appoint place due to scare. By watching horrow story, we will build our brave spirit.

But, different with other person.There a people who after watch ghost or horror story they become more fear, scared and phobias. They become depressed after that maybe because can't sleep well enough.


Don't go to see Horror Story if you're not brave enough!
If you still eager to see, you can watch at home with a bright light and mute. Just read the subtitles below ☺ .

Love, @sahiranadiah

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