
Assalamualaikum & Good Morning...

Im dealing with one of these kind. Look up the definition for sociopath. That's what they are. He has been gone from my life for nearly a year. Life is better, definitely easier. And his next victim is clueless right now.

I've experienced that in my life and the ones that do it can't see that about themselves they always blame the other person and talk bad about the person but yet can't see the fault in themselves. I guess they never ever will.

They're called narcissists or worse, all part of the cluster B personality group that includes psychopaths and sociopaths.

Some might said to me, "Forget It, Mell" , " Just Don't Bother about it Mell". Etc. I can't just ignore it because I still had an attachment with this person according to the syariah law.

Maybe all I have to do now is proceed to the process fast. In the end, I am the one who have to finish what they have started. Seriously wasting my time.


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