The Mysterious Power of Giving. Part 1

Hi guys, I'm new to Steemit.
The last time I have written a "blog" post was nearly 5 years ago, but thanks to @maverickfoo, I'm giving Steemit a try.
A little bit about myself, before I start.

I go by the codename, Kei. My Facebook profile reads, "A Mirian at heart, a Francophonic Sarawakian that tries to practice kaizen and the art of Life." Yes, I know, it's vague, but believe me, I am still trying to figure out what I am trying to do with my life myself at 30 years old.

Over the past 4 years living in Kuala Lumpur, I have been soul-searching on where does life will lead me. I graduated in 2013, worked a couple of months in a racing team, tried to create my own start-up with a friend in 2014, but failed miserably. Then, between 2015 till 2017, I have been helping people in the fitness industry improving their brands.

In the end of November, as I finished my work as a technical officer from Ironman Langkawi, I wonder, how can I contribute to the society and at the same time, feel good about myself.
As I had more time reading during the journey home, I came across a chapter about the Power of Giving, the secret to an abundant lifestyle. I was a skeptic, but I decided to give this a try. I want to experiment something that I have never done before.


What should I give that I don't have?

Then, I began to question, what should I give away and people can benefit from it?
Money? Food? Tampon? Necessities?
Then, I realized, I want to give away something so powerful if people can harness it, they will be able to get whatever necessities that they want, which is: Knowledge

According to Google,

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts and data that you have learned about or experienced.

I have always been a big fan of @timferriss ever since I've read the "4-hours Work Week".
His previous book called, "Tools of Titans" has been one of my favorite books and I have benefited a lot from the advice in it. From fitness, health and wealth, it covers some of the most amazing people that he has interviewed over the span of his career. At first, I wanted to give away a few copies of Tools of Titan, but as I was putting orders on Amazon and Kinokuniya, I noticed that he has a new book coming out in a few weeks, and it was on pre-order.

Titled "Tribe of Mentors", what makes it different from his previous work? Well, I'll let Tim answer that for you.

I ordered 5 copies of "Tribe of Mentors" and decided to give 4 of them away, and created a post on Instagram and Facebook about it.

Here's what I wrote:

legrandkei I have always been a big fan of @timferriss ever since I've read the "4-hours Work Week".His previous book called, "Tools of Titans" has been one of my favorite books and I have benefited a lot from the advice in it. Here I am trying to test what people call The Power of Giving, and as a firm believer of Knowledge as the greatest gift, I want to give out a few copies of Tim Ferriss' latest book called, "Tribe of Mentors". Not a scam, not even a marketing ploy, I really would like to share this book with some of you.
As I'll be giving out some of these books to a few people that I feel will benefit from it, I'm reserving a copy to be given to anyone who can tell me why they deserve this book. I'll choose the most uplifting answer before Xmas and I'll send them to you.
Send me a pm, or comments below.
Let's end 2017 with a bang

Then, what happened?

Over the next 24 hours, I was quite overwhelmed by the response. A few friends and acquaintances started to message me and stated how they have loved Tim Ferriss' works, and they want to have the book too. Some wrote a long essay on why they deserved to be given a copy, and most of the replies that I have received are really positive and uplifting.
It is amazing to see how positivity is replied with more positivity.

I have only limited copies of the book and I think some of the replies deserves it. I will be slowly handing out the promised copies before Christmas so that people can enjoy it during the holidays themselves.

Stay tuned for more updates on this pet project of mine in part 2.

Just a small word of disclaimer before I finish this post.
I am not affiliated to Tim Ferriss, nor I am promoting his books directly. I am just a huge fan and someone who have benefitted a lot from his previous works.

Thank you for your time. See you in part 2.

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