Life as a Actor : Continue to believe in what's given to you...

Celebration party that been host by Mediacorp Malaysia in Glass house, Seputeh Kuala Lumpur

"I'm just a small fry, that always stand at the main actor's side. Nobody will notice me." That's what crossing my mind everyday in my acting career. But one day, God talks to me and tell me this. " You are not a background actor anymore. You should stand up and do what I call you to do, now." I recalled the prophecy that I received few years back even before I started my acting career. The prophecy of conquer the "mountain of entertainment". Started from that moment onward, I treat my acting job differently. I work seriously as if I am the main actor in every opportunity that He given to me. He makes me realize that all the step I took is according to His plan, and what I need to do is continue to walk with Him.

From left to right. Derrick, Me, Frederick and Vincent. Actor in local drama series "Gifted".

Time flies and thanks to God that I am able to participate in quite a number of project . When I shared about my career life with my friends, they all will wonder how lucky am I that able to get involve in so many things and still able to manage it all at time. My answer will be "I don't know" because I truly believe that all are the open doors that He set up for me and I just receive y faith. I will reply with "I'm just so blessed that every good thing will come after me." They laughed.

Group photos with all the Malaysia and Singapore actors and production team for local drama series "Gifted"

Every person, every opportunity, every meet up, every conversation that you engage with somebody, all has been carry out according to His plan and I believe there are no coincidence in this world. Truly believe in God's word and walk on it will lead you to some places that you never imagine you are capable of. That's what I believe, that's call faith.

Group photo with all the Malaysia and Singapore actors and production team for local drama series "All under one roof"

If you received a word or even a prophecy from God before, I encourage you to recall all those words back and start to claim them into your life. You will never know what's happen to you next, only He knows. So what you can do is, start believing, and He will always be there for you.

Thank you for read up my little sharing. We need to learn how to rejoice in everything that God has given to us. No matter is big or small, rejoice and more of it will come.

Hope you enjoy my post, and bless you have a wonderful Sunday. Cheers.

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