Diaries of an ice skater mom #9...... Why do I look so scared??

I was interviewed by Bernama a few days ago. Was all jittery cos...horror of horrors...it was to be conducted in Bahasa Malaysia 😢😢!!!! And let's just say that my command of that language is not exactly my best point.... The only saving grace was that it was on my favourite topic !
Soooo...I had a couple of sleepless nights and the dreaded day arrived. Of course I cheated and used both English and Bahasa interchangeably....as only a true Malaysian can do... hahaha !

Missed the telecast cos I was at my next favourite activity...Step class at the gym. But, after watching the link....Why do I look so scared !! What do you all think??
And my eyes are so droopy....sob sob.


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